Hemp Protein

Cannabis protein is a biological protein from 100% organic seeds of cannabis containing more than 20 amino acids that good health requires.

It is gluten-free and rich in all the beneficial and necessary fats Omega 3 and Omega 6 that can give you clarity and concentration.

Hemp-based protein is appropriate for vegans, athletes and all the people who need to empower their organism through the benefits of herbal products or suffer from intolerance to lactose or gluten.

It offers boost and regeneration to muscles, it ameliorates the energy levels in the human organism after tiredness or intense workout. It helps the circulatory system and accelerates metabolism.

Consume cannabis protein on a daily basis in a hot brew or combined in smoothies, breakfast, juice or milk and you will be able to see the positive results of it.

Cannabis protein is a biological protein from 100% organic seeds of cannabis containing more than 20 amino acids that good health requires.

It is gluten-free and rich in all the beneficial and necessary fats Omega 3 and Omega 6 that can give you clarity and concentration.

Hemp-based protein is appropriate for vegans, athletes and all the people who need to empower their organism through the benefits of herbal products or suffer from intolerance to lactose or gluten.

It offers boost and regeneration to muscles, it ameliorates the energy levels in the human organism after tiredness or intense workout. It helps the circulatory system and accelerates metabolism.

Consume cannabis protein on a daily basis in a hot brew or combined in smoothies, breakfast, juice or milk and you will be able to see the positive results of it.
